Jumat, 16 April 2010

Articles Management

Definition, Tasks & Functions Human Resource Management.

Human resource management is the process of dealing with various issues on the scope of the employee, employees, workers, managers and other workers to be able to support the activities of the organization or company to achieve its intended purpose. Part or unit that usually take care of tablespoons is the human resources department or in English is called HR or human resource department.

According A.F. Stoner human resource management is an ongoing procedure that aims to supply an organization with the right person to be placed in the position and the right position at the time the organization needs it.

Department of Human Resources Having Fun, Function, Task and Responsibilities:

1. Preparation and selection of labor / Preparation and selection

a. Preparation
In the preparatory process of planning is the need for human resources by determining the various jobs that may arise. What can be done is to estimate / forecast to the vacant job, the amount, time, and so forth.
There are two factors that need to be considered in the preparation, the internal factors such as the number of new employees needs, organizational structure, existing departments, and others. External factors such as employment law, labor pasa conditions, and so forth.

b. Labor recruitment / Recruitment
Recruitment is a process to find potential employees or candidates, employees, workers, managers, or a new labor to meet the needs of oraganisasi tablespoon or company. In this stage of analysis diperluka existing positions to create a job description / job description and job specifications / job specification.

c. Labor Selection / Selection
Selection labor is a process of finding the right employment of the many candidates or candidates who have. Early stage needs to be done after receiving the applicant's documents is to see a resume / cv / curriculum vittae of applicants. Then from cv sorting applicants conducted between applicants who will be called with a failure to meet standards of a job. Then next is to call the selected candidates for the written test conducted examinations, job interviews / interview and other selection processes.

2. Development and evaluation of employees / Development and evaluation

Workers who work on the organization or company must master the job duties and responsibilities. It required a debriefing to the existing workforce can be better controlled and experts in their respective fields and improve performance. In this way the development and evaluation of employees to be very important starting from low-level employees or high.

3. Provide compensation and protection of employees / Compensation and protection

compensation is a reward for the contribution of employees regularly work from the organization or company. Appropriate compensation is very important and in line with labor market conditions existing in the external environment. Compensation is not in accordance with existing conditions can cause labor problems in the future or may cause harm to the organization or company. Protection also needs to be given to workers in order to carry out their work quietly so that performance and contribution of these workers can stay up from time to time.

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